Monday, October 27, 2008

the story so far

David says: So we've been a little lax with our postings up until now. Both Teresa and I feel we've been neglecting our duties, so lets start a new. Really though there hasn't been a whole lot of excitement until today though. Our plans got pushed back and we just left LA for Cancun this afternoon. So here's what's been happeing.

Sept 20th-25th - Pack up Teresa's apt and vacate to my place.

From cat and the bear

Sept 26th - I'm done with work for 6 months
Sept 27th-Oct 6th - Pack my apt and vacate to my Parents house in Saratoga

We spent 2 weeks packing and moving nonstop. It pretty much

sucked. I don't recommend it.
We got through it though and I guess we must be stronger.

Oct 6th-Oct 13th - Stayed at my parents house.
Fairly relaxing. Free food. Free rent. What more could anyone want. I think this is the longest I've spent in Saratoga since college summers. It's also the healthiest food we've eaten at a stretch. We where sad to leave. I think that's the first time I've been sad to leave my parents house. I suppose that means I'm becoming an adult.

Oct 14th - Oct 27th - Teresa's house in LA.
We drove down with a Nissan Pathfinder full of gear and a cat.
We spent two weeks in LA, which is the longest I've ever been there.

I think we went to REI 10 times looking at equipment, buying returning, buying again.
Things started feeling really wierd, like we had better buy everything we need for 6 months.
We probably went to walmart and the mall another 10 times. It got fairly stressfull.
We both found ourselves buying to much, not buying enough chasing our tails around.

We also had been dealing with Car problems. We'd been planning on driving my 1995 Pathfinder across the US, into Mexico and down through Central America. I can't go into the entire history of our back and forth over driving, but it's long like a black and white foriegn film. Its long and drawn out and in the end it is a tragedy. I'm sure I'll go into it later, but it's enough to say that after 4 trips to 4 different auto repair shops in 5 weeks we decided the car was not going to make it. All this after lifting the car, replacing the steering system and putting new tires on it over the last year to make it off road worthy. I did learn a lot about suspension and steering systems along the way, replacing a number of key parts with the help of a friend. (thanks Larsh)

One afternoon at lunch I asked Teresa if she would have rather been working for the last 3 weeks instead of what we've been doing. She didnt know. I said I didn't know either.
Everything was supposed to be fun and new and shiny. Packing up your lives is hard work. Maybe because there is nothing to measure yourself against. No clock or 8 hr day or accomplishments. Not working can become more work than working.